Do you need a coach? Or something else?
I am often asked the difference between a consultant, a counselor, a therapist, and a coach, so here’s a high-level differentiation for your information.
A consultant generally contracts with a company and takes on the project. They show you how to do something and often will do it for you, coming in with their templates and proven processes. They take over the issue and solve it.
Counselors will often work with you to help you heal some past trauma you may have experienced that is stopping you from moving forward in your life. Grief, illness or major childhood events can be examples of this.
Therapists may focus on your past to help you process the emotions for healing and may explore the “why” of your feelings to get to the root of an issue. They may also use medicines to help manage your emotions.
A coach assumes you are a highly functioning adult and is focused on the present and your future. They want to help you achieve your goals and are action-oriented. They hold you accountable for whatever you agree to do, helping to move you from where you are now to where you want to be. A coach helps you identify and interrupt patterns, coaching and cheering you along the way, and holding you accountable without judgement. They will not do the work for you…you need to do the work.
You may ask, “Why do I need a coach?” or, “How can a coach help me?”
I ask you to think about an athlete and how their coach helps them to physically train and visualize, so they can achieve their goals. Imagine how far and how quickly you could go with a life coach supporting you to achieve your life goals. I encourage you to take that leap of faith in yourself. You can change your circumstances. You can be in control and a victor over your situation.
If you feel stuck, lost, frustrated, or overwhelmed, I can help you release those feelings.
When you work with me, you’ll experience my non-judgmental approach to your situation and roadblocks. I’ll provide straightforward communication and a program designed for your benefit. I’ll help you overcome any self-imposed limitations, leave the past in the past, and move forward. You’ll actively learn to create your new truth and take action. I approach each client as the unique individual they truly are. I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all mentality.
If you’re someone who desires a change, even if you don’t know quite what that change looks like, you’re a great fit for SOAR TLC. Together, we can find clarity and help you transform…at work, at home, and in life.
Do you know the difference?
This video helps you determine the difference between a coach, a consultant, a counselor, and a therapist to make the best decision on who to hire.
If a person’s present focus is oriented toward the future and the need is to design and implement goals, develop strategies, achieve a more balanced life and a better quality of life, coaching may be the best option.
Read more about the differences here.
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with Carmen to see if Soar Transformational Life Coaching is right for you.